Tarnished Pennies
Dad Was Right
11 When Opportunity Knocks Answer Right Away

11 When Opportunity Knocks Answer Right Away

She had a Zoom meeting starting in a few minutes, but we managed to squeeze out a podcast for you today. Sometimes, the message is so self-contained that it doesn't really require any additional explanation. This one and the next one are kinda like that. Anyway, enjoy the next five minutes as we ramble on about one more thing Dad was right about. Backstory: A dad gets a book "Dad Was Right" as a gift and tortures his two adult kids years later with stories -- in their own voices -- about why he was right...

Tarnished Pennies
Dad Was Right
A dad gets a book "Dad Was Right" as a gift and tortures his two adult kids years later with stories -- in their own voices -- about why he was right...